Neil Daylong

Neil Daylong

Lifelong bacon guru. Award-winning beer fan. Typical social media specialist. Evil travel trailblazer. Freelance pop culture scholar. Amateur coffee lover.

89 Articles Written
What Does a Public Adjuster Do?

What Does a Public Adjuster Do?

A public adjuster is an independent insurance professional that a policyholder can hire to help resolve an insurance...

The Stressful Life of an Insurance Adjuster

The Stressful Life of an Insurance Adjuster

Being an insurance adjuster is a demanding job that can be very stressful. The key to reducing or preventing exhaustion...

Where Do Claims Adjusters Make the Most Money?

Where Do Claims Adjusters Make the Most Money?

When it comes to the world of claims adjusters, there are two main types: staff adjusters and independent adjusters....

What Benefits Does a Public Adjuster Offer?

What Benefits Does a Public Adjuster Offer?

Having a public adjuster on your side during the claims process can be invaluable. They are experienced professionals who ...

Should You Hire a Public Adjuster?

Should You Hire a Public Adjuster?

If you're in the process of filing a claim with your insurance company, it might be worth considering hiring a public...

How to Get a New York State Adjuster License

How to Get a New York State Adjuster License

Are you looking to become an independent adjuster in the state of New York? If so, you'll need to obtain a New York State ...

What is the Highest Paying Adjuster Job?

What is the Highest Paying Adjuster Job?

Adjusters are professionals who assess and settle insurance claims. They are responsible for determining the amount of...

How to Become a Claims Adjuster and Earn the Most Money

How to Become a Claims Adjuster and Earn the Most Money

Are you considering a career as a Claims Adjuster? If so, you may be wondering what kind of salary you can expect to...

Is Being a Public Adjuster a Good Job?

Is Being a Public Adjuster a Good Job?

The work of a public adjuster is flexible and pleasant, and one of the most attractive aspects of this career path is the ...

Are Insurance Adjusters Really Evil?

Are Insurance Adjusters Really Evil?

As a Texas car accident lawyer, I deal with insurance adjusters more than most people. So, are insurance adjusters bad?...

Can You Deduct Public Adjuster Fees?

Can You Deduct Public Adjuster Fees?

If the insurance claim is for your business, the fee paid to the public adjuster is deductible as a business expense...

Do You Need a License to Become an Insurance Adjuster in Florida?

Do You Need a License to Become an Insurance Adjuster in Florida?

Are you interested in becoming an insurance adjuster in Florida? If so, you'll need to obtain a license from the state....

When to Hire a Public Adjuster for Your Insurance Claim

When to Hire a Public Adjuster for Your Insurance Claim

The claim and repair process can take a long time, and you may want to consider hiring a public adjuster at any point...

How Long is a Texas Adjuster License Valid For?

How Long is a Texas Adjuster License Valid For?

When you obtain an adjuster license in Texas, there are certain responsibilities you must fulfill to keep it active. It's ...

How Does a Public Adjuster Get Paid?

How Does a Public Adjuster Get Paid?

Most public adjusters charge contingency fees that range from 5% to 15% of the money the insurer pays for your claim....

How to Terminate a Public Adjuster Contract in Illinois

How to Terminate a Public Adjuster Contract in Illinois

Terminating a public adjuster contract in the state of Illinois is a legally binding process that requires certified mail ...

Types of Adjusters in Florida: A Comprehensive Guide

Types of Adjusters in Florida: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to filing an insurance claim, it's important to understand the different types of adjusters in Florida....

What is the Role of a Public Adjuster?

What is the Role of a Public Adjuster?

A public adjuster is an independent insurance professional that a policyholder can hire to help them resolve an insurance ...

Do I Need a Public Adjuster in Florida?

Do I Need a Public Adjuster in Florida?

When it comes to filing an insurance claim in the state of Florida, it is important to understand the role of a public...

Is Hiring a Public Adjuster Worth It?

Is Hiring a Public Adjuster Worth It?

If you're in the process of filing a claim with your insurance company, it may be worth considering hiring a public...

Why Hiring a Public Adjuster is the Right Choice

Why Hiring a Public Adjuster is the Right Choice

When it comes to filing an insurance claim, many individuals and businesses find themselves in need of help. Whether it's ...

What is the Role of an Insurance Adjuster and How Does it Work?

What is the Role of an Insurance Adjuster and How Does it Work?

The role of an insurance adjuster is to review and estimate the payment of claims for an insurance company. They inspect...

How Much Can You Earn as a Public Adjuster in Florida?

How Much Can You Earn as a Public Adjuster in Florida?

Are you looking for a job as an Independent Insurance Adjuster in Florida? If so, you may be wondering how much you can...

The Role of a Public Adjuster: An Expert's Perspective

The Role of a Public Adjuster: An Expert's Perspective

When it comes to insurance claims, a public adjuster is an invaluable asset. A public adjuster is an independent...

What is a Public Adjuster and How Can They Help You?

What is a Public Adjuster and How Can They Help You?

A public adjuster is an independent insurance professional that a policyholder can hire to help resolve an insurance...

Who Does a Public Adjuster Work For?

Who Does a Public Adjuster Work For?

A public adjuster is an independent professional who works exclusively for policyholders, not for insurers. They are the...

Why is Being an Insurance Adjuster Stressful?

Why is Being an Insurance Adjuster Stressful?

Insurance adjusters are prone to exhaustion due to the stressful nature of their work. Burnout is a kind of...

Why Hire a Public Adjuster? A Comprehensive Guide

Why Hire a Public Adjuster? A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to filing an insurance claim, it can be a daunting task. You may not have much experience processing...

Becoming a Public Adjuster: A Step-by-Step Guide

Becoming a Public Adjuster: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you're looking for a career that involves helping people and has the potential to be lucrative, becoming a public...

What Does it Take to Become a Licensed Public Adjuster?

What Does it Take to Become a Licensed Public Adjuster?

Becoming a licensed public adjuster is a challenging but rewarding career path. It requires a high school diploma or...

The Stressful Life of a Claims Adjuster: How to Avoid Exhaustion

The Stressful Life of a Claims Adjuster: How to Avoid Exhaustion

The job of a claims adjuster is often seen as one that attracts a lot of anger and animosity from people who expect to...

How to File a Complaint Against a Public Adjuster in Florida

How to File a Complaint Against a Public Adjuster in Florida

If you suspect that a public adjuster is working without a license, if you are being urged to exaggerate an insurance...

How Much Do Public Adjusters Charge in California?

How Much Do Public Adjusters Charge in California?

It is generally accepted that public adjusters in California charge between 10% and 20% of the total settlement of an...

Is a Claims Adjuster Job Stressful?

Is a Claims Adjuster Job Stressful?

The job of a claims adjuster is undoubtedly demanding and stressful. However, the rewards of hard work and dedication far ...

What is an Illinois Public Adjuster and How Can They Help You?

What is an Illinois Public Adjuster and How Can They Help You?

A public adjuster is an independent professional who works for you, the property owner, to help you prepare, file and...

Can a Public Adjuster be a Contractor?

Can a Public Adjuster be a Contractor?

When it comes to insurance claims, there is a clear distinction between public adjusters and contractors. A public...

Becoming a Public Adjuster in Texas: A Step-by-Step Guide

Becoming a Public Adjuster in Texas: A Step-by-Step Guide

People who are looking to change their career paths and become Texas insurance adjusters have a great opportunity to do...

Becoming a Licensed Public Adjuster in Florida

Becoming a Licensed Public Adjuster in Florida

Becoming a public adjuster in Florida is a challenging but rewarding career for those with the right skills and...

How to Make the Most Money as a Claims Adjuster

How to Make the Most Money as a Claims Adjuster

If you're considering a career as a Claims Adjuster or are looking for the next step in your professional journey, it's...

Understanding the Regulations for Public Adjusters in Florida

Understanding the Regulations for Public Adjusters in Florida

The Florida Legislature recognizes the importance of regulating public insurance adjusters to protect the public from...

Can You Fire a Public Adjuster? - A Comprehensive Guide

Can You Fire a Public Adjuster? - A Comprehensive Guide

If you're looking to manage your insurance claim but don't have the knowledge or experience to do so, you should consider ...

How Many Adjusters Are There in Florida?

How Many Adjusters Are There in Florida?

Florida is home to more than 175,000 licensed adjusters, many of whom work for larger organizations. The Florida...

How Many Licensed Public Adjusters Are in Florida?

How Many Licensed Public Adjusters Are in Florida?

It's all part of a network of adjusters, contractors and lawyers who, according to insurers, have cost companies a lot in ...

Are Insurance Adjusters Happy? A Comprehensive Look

Are Insurance Adjusters Happy? A Comprehensive Look

Are insurance adjusters happy? It's a question that many people have asked, and the answer is that it depends on the...

Are Public Adjusters Legitimate? A Comprehensive Guide

Are Public Adjusters Legitimate? A Comprehensive Guide

If you've ever been in a situation where you've had to file an insurance claim, you may have heard of public adjusters....

Is Being an Adjuster Stressful? A Comprehensive Guide

Is Being an Adjuster Stressful? A Comprehensive Guide

The job of a claims adjuster is a demanding one, but the rewards can be great. Adjusters are responsible for helping...

When to Hire a Public Adjuster: A Comprehensive Guide

When to Hire a Public Adjuster: A Comprehensive Guide

The insurance adjuster works for the insurance company, and their job is to obtain information about claims and determine ...

What is a Public Adjuster in Florida? An Expert's Guide

What is a Public Adjuster in Florida? An Expert's Guide

Are you looking for an expert to help you with your insurance claim in Florida? A public adjuster may be the answer....

What is a Public Adjuster and How Can They Help You With Your Insurance Claim?

What is a Public Adjuster and How Can They Help You With Your Insurance Claim?

When it comes to filing an insurance claim, it can be a daunting and overwhelming process. It's important to understand...

Can a Public Adjuster be a Contractor in Florida?

Can a Public Adjuster be a Contractor in Florida?

Are you a Florida contractor who is looking for a way to help customers get a fair deal from their insurance provider? If ...

Are Claims Adjusters Honest? An Expert's Perspective

Are Claims Adjusters Honest? An Expert's Perspective

When it comes to insurance companies, their primary goal is to pay as little as possible and limit their liability in the ...

Do Insurance Adjusters Need a License in Texas?

Do Insurance Adjusters Need a License in Texas?

Becoming a licensed insurance claims adjuster in Texas is the first step to a successful career. To make yourself more...

When Do Public Adjusters Get Paid?

When Do Public Adjusters Get Paid?

Public adjusters are typically paid when you accept the final offer from your insurance company. This is usually the only ...

What is a Florida Adjuster License?

What is a Florida Adjuster License?

The FL 70-20 adjuster license (Florida 70-20 designated state of residence adjuster license for non-residents (DHS)) is...

Becoming a Public Adjuster in Florida: A Step-by-Step Guide

Becoming a Public Adjuster in Florida: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you interested in becoming a public adjuster in Florida? If so, you'll need to understand the process and the...

How Many Public Adjusters Are There in the US? An Expert's Perspective

How Many Public Adjusters Are There in the US? An Expert's Perspective

The insurance industry is a complex and ever-evolving sector, and accurately assessing its size is a difficult task....

Is Becoming an Insurance Claims Adjuster Worth It?

Is Becoming an Insurance Claims Adjuster Worth It?

Adjusters understand that dealing with damage can be a stressful experience, and their main goal is to help you get back...

Is Hiring a Public Adjuster a Good Idea?

Is Hiring a Public Adjuster a Good Idea?

If you're in the process of filing a claim with your insurance company, it may be worth considering hiring a public...

What Does a Public Adjuster Do?

What Does a Public Adjuster Do?

A public adjuster is an independent professional who works on behalf of the policyholder to help them resolve an...

How Much Does a Florida Public Adjuster Charge?

How Much Does a Florida Public Adjuster Charge?

When it comes to filing a property insurance claim, having a public adjuster on your side can be invaluable. In Florida,...

What Does a Public Adjuster Do?

What Does a Public Adjuster Do?

A public adjuster is an independent insurance professional that a policyholder can hire to help resolve an insurance...

Is Being a Claims Adjuster Difficult? An Expert's Perspective

Is Being a Claims Adjuster Difficult? An Expert's Perspective

Being a claims adjuster is often considered one of the most challenging jobs in the insurance industry. It requires...

The Benefits of Hiring a Public Adjuster

The Benefits of Hiring a Public Adjuster

When it comes to filing an insurance claim, it can be difficult to know where to start. It's important to understand the...

What Can a Public Adjuster Do For You?

What Can a Public Adjuster Do For You?

A public adjuster is an independent professional who works on behalf of the policyholder. They are similar to a claims...

Is the Texas Claims Adjuster Exam Difficult?

Is the Texas Claims Adjuster Exam Difficult?

The exam for insurance adjusters in Texas is quite challenging. However, it is much easier than in most other states.

What Does a Public Adjuster Do?

What Does a Public Adjuster Do?

A public adjuster is an independent insurance professional that a policyholder can hire to help them resolve an insurance ...

What is a Public Adjuster and How Can They Help You?

What is a Public Adjuster and How Can They Help You?

A public adjuster is an independent insurance professional that a policyholder can hire to help resolve an insurance...

Do Public Adjusters Need a License in Florida?

Do Public Adjusters Need a License in Florida?

You must be licensed in Florida as a comprehensive adjuster and have been continuously appointed for the previous six...

Who Pays for a Public Adjuster?

Who Pays for a Public Adjuster?

When it comes to insurance claims, a public adjuster is an invaluable asset. They are the only type of claims adjuster...

What Type of Insurance Adjusters Make the Most Money?

What Type of Insurance Adjusters Make the Most Money?

When it comes to the salary range of insurance adjusters, it can vary greatly. The amount an adjuster earns depends on a...

Can a Public Adjuster Legally Solicit Clients?

Can a Public Adjuster Legally Solicit Clients?

The public adjuster is prohibited from directly or indirectly soliciting an insured person during the course of a...

Are Claims Adjusters Happy? A Comprehensive Look

Are Claims Adjusters Happy? A Comprehensive Look

Claims adjusters are often seen as the unsung heroes of the insurance industry. They are responsible for assessing and...

Do Public Adjusters Need to be Licensed in Florida?

Do Public Adjusters Need to be Licensed in Florida?

Are you looking to become a public adjuster in Florida? If so, you'll need to obtain a license from the state. The...

Are Public Adjuster Fees Tax Deductible?

Are Public Adjuster Fees Tax Deductible?

If you're dealing with an insurance claim for your business, the fee paid to the public adjuster is tax deductible as a...

Is Hiring a Public Adjuster a Good Idea?

Is Hiring a Public Adjuster a Good Idea?

If you're considering hiring a public adjuster, the sooner you start the claims process, the better. A public adjuster...

How Long Does It Take to Get a Texas Adjuster License?

How Long Does It Take to Get a Texas Adjuster License?

For the average student, it will take approximately two months to become a licensed insurance adjuster in Texas....

How to Get a Florida Public Adjuster License

How to Get a Florida Public Adjuster License

Are you looking to become a public adjuster in Florida? Obtaining a public adjuster license in the state of Florida is a...

What Does a Public Adjuster Do?

What Does a Public Adjuster Do?

A public adjuster is a professional who is hired to represent the financial interests of an insured person when...

How to Get a Public Adjuster License in Florida

How to Get a Public Adjuster License in Florida

Are you looking to become a public adjuster in Florida? If so, you'll need to obtain a license from the state. Obtaining...

Why Hire a Public Adjuster?

Why Hire a Public Adjuster?

When it comes to filing an insurance claim, having a public adjuster on your side can be invaluable. A public adjuster is ...