Do You Need a License to Become an Insurance Adjuster in Florida?

Are you interested in becoming an insurance adjuster in Florida? If so, you'll need to obtain a license from the state. With this license, you can become a staff adjuster, independent adjuster, or public adjuster. To be eligible for a Florida public adjuster license, you must be at least 18 years old, a resident of Florida (or maintain a principal place of business in Florida), and be a United States citizen or legal alien who holds a work authorization from the U. S.

Immigration and Naturalization Services. The first step to obtaining your 3-20 Florida public adjuster license is to get the 6-20 license. To be eligible for the FL 6-20 adjuster license, you must be a resident of Florida, at least 18 years old, and cannot have an adjuster's license resident in another state. Applicants must submit their Florida public adjuster applications through the Department of Financial Services' Licensing Office online portal.

If the applicant's home state does not issue licenses for public adjusters, they must be licensed and work as resident insurance adjusters on a continuous basis for the previous six months in their home state or other state. Insurance professionals who live in a state that does not license claims adjusters can receive a non-resident adjuster's license from another state if they declare that other state is their designated state of residence (DHS). Florida residents can apply for a comprehensive adjuster's license for 6 to 20 years and non-residents can apply for line 7 to 20 and 70 to 20 line adjuster licenses. Reciprocity means that an adjuster who holds a state residence license can apply for an adjuster's license in another state without having to take that state's exam.

The Certified Claims Adjuster Professional (CACP) designation is earned upon successful completion of the professional certification course certified by FL claims adjusters. The only other non-extinct adjuster license is the FL 0-70 emergency adjuster license, which is only available during states of emergency. The Florida Department of Financial Services requires that public adjusters meet several requirements before obtaining a license. Watch the video below for a summary of the steps involved in the licensing process for Florida public adjusters.

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